Dansk Solarie Forening

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Kræft og solarier

Der forskes ihærdigt i sammenhængen mellem sol og sundhed, hvilket involverer emner som D-vitamin, kræft og humør. Herunder finder du henvisninger til en række relevante videnskabelige artikler, der er publiceret af anerkendte forskere i akademiske tidsskrifter. Listen er ikke en fuldstændig fortegnelse over forskningen på området, men blot et udpluk. Flere artikler kan findes ved at søge i forskningsdatabaser og på nettet.

Bemærk, at nedenstående er forskningsbaserede artikler skrevet af eksperter og derfor typisk skrevet på engelsk.

Der er ikke tale om populærvidenskabelige eller journalistiske artikler og heller ikke partsindlæg.

Solar Radiation, Vitamin D and Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Norway

Tidsskrift: Anticancer research

(Anticancer Res 2009;29:3501-3509)

September 2009

Forfattere: Johan Moan, Arne Dahlback, Zoya Lagunova, Emanuela Cicarma og Alina Carmen Porojnicu

Denne artikel argumenterer for, at sol og D-vitamin produceret deraf samlet set giver en positiv effekt, der overstiger de kendte negative effekter.

Uddrag af tidsskriftets resumé: “Solar radiation is of fundamental importance for human development and health: On the one hand, too much of it can lead to skin ageing and skin cancer, whilst on the other, too little of it can result in vitamin D deficiency, and, thereby lead to high incidence and poor prognosis of internal cancer as well as a number of other diseases.”

Læs tidsskriftets resumé her: http://ar.iiarjournals.org/content/29/9/3501

Sunlight, vitamin D and the prevention of cancer: a systematic review of epidemiological studies

Tidsskrift: European Journal of Cancer Prevention

(Eur J Cancer Prev. 2009 Aug 26)

26. august 2009

Forfattere: Han Rhee, Jan Coebergh og Esther Vries

I en gennemgang af alle offentliggjorte studier af sammenhængen mellem kræft, sol og D-vitamin, konkluderer artiklen, at flere og flere beviser udpeger sol som en beskyttende faktor i forhold til flere typer kræft.

Uddrag af tidsskriftets resumé: “The number of studies reporting beneficial effects of sunlight and vitamin D on several types of cancer with a high mortality rate is growing rapidly. Present health recommendations on sun exposure are mainly based on the increased risks for skin cancer. We reviewed all published studies concerning cancer and sun exposure and vitamin D, respectively, excluding those about skin cancer. […]We, therefore, conclude that there is accumulating evidence for sunlight as a protective factor for several types of cancer.”

Læs tidsskriftets resumé her: http://journals.lww.com/eurjcancerprev/Abstract/publishahead/Sunlight,_vitamin_D_and_the_prevention_of_cancer_.99966.aspx

Melanoma epidemic: a midsummer night’s dream?

Tidsskrift: British Journal of Dermatology

(Br J Dermatol. 2009 Sep;161(3):630-4)

Juni 2009

Forfattere: N.J. Levell, C.C. Beattie, S. Shuster og D.C. Greenberg

Artiklen argumenterer for, at stigningen i antallet af modermærkekræft-tilfælde kan skyldes stigende forsigtighed blandt de diagnosticerende læger. Årsagen er, at det stigende antal tilfælde tilsyneladende kun gælder diagnoser af modermærkekræft i første fase, men ikke i de mere fremskredne faser og i dødeligheden.

Uddrag af tidsskriftets resumé: “Background: The reported incidence of melanoma has greatly increased and this has been attributed to ultraviolet exposure. Objectives: We considered the possibility that the increase was an artefact caused by diagnostic drift. Methods: We tested this by analysing the histological diagnosis, mortality and incidence of all lesions reported as melanomas in East Anglia between 1991 and 2004. […] Conclusions: We therefore conclude that the large increase in reported incidence is likely to be due to diagnostic drift which classifies benign lesions as stage 1 melanoma. […]The distribution of the lesions reported did not correspond to the sites of lesions caused by solar exposure. These findings should lead to a reconsideration of the treatment of ‘early’ lesions, a search for better diagnostic methods to distinguish them from truly malignant melanomas, re-evaluation of the role of ultraviolet radiation and recommendations for protection from it, as well as the need for a new direction in the search for the cause of melanoma.

Læs tidsskriftets resumé her: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/bsc/bjd/2009/00000161/00000003/art00021%3Bjsessionid=wng7dfa1hxj4.alexandra

Sun and sun beds: inducers of vitamin D and skin cancer

Tidsskrift: Anticancer research

(Anticancer Res. 2009 Sep;29(9):3495-500)

September 2009

Forfattere: Emanuela Cicarma, Alina Carmen Porojnicu,  Zoya Lagunova, Arne Dahlback,  Asta Juzeniene og Johan Moan

Norsk forskning argumenterer for, at befolkninger i nordlige lande kan få en positiv effekt ud af at øge deres eksponering for UVB for at forbedre deres D-vitamin-niveau.

Uddrag af tidsskriftets resumé: “Solar radiation is both the main cause of all types of skin cancer, including cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM), and the main source of vitamin D accompanied by its beneficial effects. The dilemma lies in that increased sun exposure could lead to an increase in skin cancers and yet is necessary for the better prognosis of internal cancers. […] Sun and sun beds act similarly: one quantum of radiation at a given wavelength has the same biological effect, irrespective of the source from which it comes. The winter levels of vitamin D are 10 to 100% lower than the summer levels in most populations, but can be brought up to summer levels by moderate sun bed exposure. Populations living at high latitudes would probably benefit from moderately increasing their exposure to UVB to provide a good vitamin D status.”

Læs tidsskriftets resumé her: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19667143

Public awareness about risk factors could pose problems for case-control studies: The example of sunbed use and cutaneous melanoma

Tidsskrift: European Journal of Cancer

(Eur J Cancer. 2005 Sep;41(14):2150-4)

Juni 2005

Forfattere: E. de Vries, M. Boniol, G. Severi, A.M.M. Eggermont, P. Autier, V. Bataille, J.F. Doré og J.W.W. Coebergh

Et stort fransk kontrolstudie viste, at der ingen sammenhæng var mellem solarium og modermærkekræft. I artiklen diskuteres, om resultatet kan skyldes skyldes fejl i studiet.

Uddrag af tidsskriftets resumé: “In a large case-control study we found no association between sunbed use and melanoma risk, but indications for potential recall and recruitment biases made the interpretation of the results difficult.”

Læs tidsskriftets resumé her: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1613949

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Sollys og solarium har samme virkning

Der er intet belæg for at påstå, at solarium skulle være mere skadeligt end sollys. Stigningen af tilfælde af hudkræft begyndte flere årtier før åbningen af det først solcenter.

Dansk Solarie Forening (DSF)
; E-mail: • Pressekontakt: +45 2190 6099